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Michelli Weighing & Measurement Blog

Setting the Standard in Quality Service Since 1947

The Michelli Weighing & Measurement blog is full of helpful information from our experts & the manufacturers we represent.

How to Choose the Right Caliper

How to Choose the Right Caliper

Each type of caliper utilizes a different output method for communicating the measurement reading to the user. The type you should choose depends on the application in which the tool is being used & user preference. Let’s examine the three basic types of measurement calipers to develop a better understanding.

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Starrett | DataSure® 4.0 – Advanced Data Collection System Made Simple

Starrett | DataSure® 4.0 – Advanced Data Collection System Made Simple

Data collection has never been easier. Starrett DataSure® 4.0 modernizes & streamlines collection of quality control measurement data. With DataSure 4.0, the press of a button can transmit measurement data, improving process efficiency and the accuracy of measurements captured. Learn more in this post about the transformative advantages of this system from Starrett.

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Types of Micrometer Anvils

Types of Micrometer Anvils

The type of micrometer anvil required depends on the object being measured, much in the same way that different micrometers are used to measure different aspects. We won’t cover all types of micrometer anvils in this post, but let’s take a closer look at a few.

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Granite Surface Plate Maintenance Do’s & Don’ts

Granite Surface Plate Maintenance Do’s & Don’ts

Users should take special care with granite surface plates. Even the tiniest bit of wear could cause a pit or a hill, compromising its accuracy. This post includes a few tips on how to properly care for surface plates, and a few tips on what not to do, to help you get the longest useful life out of your investment.

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Minimize Unplanned Downtime With This Equipment Maintenance Checklist

Minimize Unplanned Downtime With This Equipment Maintenance Checklist

When it comes to weighing & measurement equipment, it’s the little issues that can “snowball” into big problems over time. Our experts are here to help you get the most out of your investment by teaching you how to properly care for your equipment. Use this maintenance checklist to regularly inspect your weighing & measurement devices & minimize unplanned downtime.

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A&D Weighing | Grow Your Business the Right Way

A&D Weighing | Grow Your Business the Right Way

No matter which sector your business is in, fast, accurate weighing and processing solutions should be a vital part of your operations. A&D Weighing helps ensure product quality and safety by improving efficiency, reducing costs and increasing profits. Learn more in this post about growing your business the right way.

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Retrofit Equipment to Increase Efficiency & Minimize Downtime

Retrofit Equipment to Increase Efficiency & Minimize Downtime

Retrofitting is a great way to enhance equipment. Those enhancements may include increasing the equipment’s efficiency, broadening its communication capabilities, or even reducing the energy or waste it produces. In this post, learn how we can retrofit equipment and weighing systems to help you minimize downtime or increase efficiency.

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Scale Certification | How Michelli Can Help Ensure Your Scale Certs Remain Up-To-Date

Scale Certification | How Michelli Can Help Ensure Your Scale Certs Remain Up-To-Date

Certified scales help ensure we get exactly what we pay for when it comes to goods sold by weight. Certified scales help ensure that the amount displayed on the scale’s weight indicator is the true amount of the product on the scale. If scale certification wasn’t mandatory, either the buyer or the consumer might be shorted. While it’s true, a faulty scale may result in the buyer paying for a larger quantity than they received, it could also mean the buyer charged less for goods than they were worth.

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B-TEK Scales | Boost Your Scale’s Availability

B-TEK Scales | Boost Your Scale’s Availability

Many use the terms “maximize uptime” and “minimize downtime” interchangeably. Although there’s a case to be made that many aspects of the two interconnect, there are specific actions you can take to ensure both sides of the conversation are addressed in the interest of optimizing your scale’s availability.

Read this post for tips on maximizing uptime by keeping your scale up & weighing. Plus, steps to take if your scale goes down to minimize downtime & get it back up as quickly as possible. 

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Protect Your Weighing & Measurement Equipment from Winter Weather to Reduce Downtime

Protect Your Weighing & Measurement Equipment from Winter Weather to Reduce Downtime

Prepare your scales for the Winter weather now to reduce downtime this season. Weighing & measurement equipment is susceptible to damage from rust or electronic issues caused by moisture. There’s also the challenge of keeping rodents from moving in and making snacks of wires. The Winter weather takes a toll on weighing & measurement equipment, but with proper preparation, you can minimize the damage & greatly reduce downtime.

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Reduce Risk of Weighing & Measurement Equipment Damage

Reduce Risk of Weighing & Measurement Equipment Damage

High quality weighing & measurement equipment can help you work more efficiently, but worksites can be dangerous. You take precautions to protect your team, so why not take action to protect your weighing & measurement equipment as well? In this post, our experts offer tips to help you reduce risk of damage to your equipment, to help you get the most out of your investment.

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Crosby Straightpoint | Sarens Uses Crosby | SP Load Cell to Weigh Christmas Trees

Crosby Straightpoint | Sarens Uses Crosby | SP Load Cell to Weigh Christmas Trees

During heavy lifting, it’s crucial to know the load. Crosby Straightpoint load cells give users the power to accurately monitor the weight of the load as it’s lifted. Pairing these load cells with a handheld Radiolink plus remote indicator allows users to maintain a safe distance, while maintaining the ability to read the weight. Learn why Sarens (a provider of crane rental services, heavy lifting & engineered transport) trusts Crosby Straightpoint load cells & Radiolink plus remote indicators to help during big jobs.

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