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Michelli Weighing & Measurement Blog

Setting the Standard in Quality Service Since 1947

The Michelli Weighing & Measurement blog is full of helpful information from our experts & the manufacturers we represent.

Torque Wrench Repair vs. Replacement

Torque Wrench Repair vs. Replacement

Can your torque wrench can be repaired or is the damage is too severe? The Michelli Weighing & Measurement service team has provided a few examples of when replacement is recommended, when repairs are recommended, and that gray area in between the two.

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B-TEK Scales | 5 Ways Digital Technology Can Increase Weighing Profitability

B-TEK Scales | 5 Ways Digital Technology Can Increase Weighing Profitability

The world doesn’t stand still for anyone, so it’s important to keep equipment up and running. Integrating technology that is fully digital improves workflow and profitability. Lean into the shift to digital rather than shy away from it. After all, most people lean on technology to make life easier in so many ways, so industrial weighing shouldn’t be any different.

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Torque Wrench Care Tips

Torque Wrench Care Tips

Review torque wrench 101 & learn some tips from the expert Michelli calibration technicians on proper torque wrench care. Michelli Weighing & Measurement provides manual & pneumatic torque wrench rental & ISO 17025 accredited torque wrench calibration.

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ISO 9001 Registered vs ISO Compliant

ISO 9001 Registered vs ISO Compliant

When you select an ISO 9001 Registered Organization as your service provider, you have the benefit of knowing they have proven their conformance to the ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard by a showing of objective evidence, and not simply proclaiming self-compliance.

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How much could an inaccurate truck scale cost you?

How much could an inaccurate truck scale cost you?

Inaccurate scales & measurement equipment could cost you thousands It’s no secret that preventative maintenance is the key to getting the longest life out of your weighing & measurement equipment. Regular inspections by a certified...

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B-TEK Scales | 4 Ways a Dirty Truck Scale Can Cost You Money

B-TEK Scales | 4 Ways a Dirty Truck Scale Can Cost You Money

B-TEK Scales explains situations in which dirty truck scales can cost money, and what actions you can take to prevent it from happening to you. Keeping up with your scale maintenance is the easiest way to remain in compliance, save on maintenance costs and prevent downtime.

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How Regular Scale Inspections Help You Save Money

How Regular Scale Inspections Help You Save Money

Regular scale inspections allow users to remain in compliance & prevent measurement equipment malfunctions that could directly affect quality, cost & safety. Every organization should have a preventative maintenance plan in place, & an inspection schedule is the primary portion of that plan. There are 3 key factors to consider when developing an inspection schedule…

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