which includes important Michelli news, like changes to our scopes of accreditation and new calibration lab openings, as well as links to our latest content, including blog posts and videos.
which includes important Michelli news, like changes to our scopes of accreditation and new calibration lab openings, as well as links to our latest content, including blog posts and videos.
Home » Michelli What is Legal-For-Trade? Legal-for-trade status is required when a scale or measuring device is used in commerce. But what does that status mean, exactly? To obtain a legal-for-trade classification, a measurement equipment manufacturer must submit...
Home » Michelli Consistency is Imperative in Formulation Making sure formulation recipes are carried out consistently across an organization is critical to the quality and safety of the final product. Smart laboratory balances with open connectivity and database...
Home » Michelli Metrology: The Science of Measurement While often confused with met-e-or-ology, which attempts to predict whether you’ll need an umbrella or a sunhat, metro-logy is all about ensuring accuracy. It may not sound as glamorous as unraveling...
Home » Michelli Types of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) There are many types of PPE, short for personal protective equipment, available. PPE is designed for workers to wear in dangerous environments to minimize the risk of serious injury. PPE can include...
Home » You searched for standards Conditions That Affect Scale Accuracy Why is scale accuracy important? Portable and in-ground scales are essential tools for commercial vehicle operators to determine axle, axle group, and Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) in order to comply...
Home » Michelli Why Are USB Scales Not Available? Once in awhile, we will get a customer who just wants to buy a generic USB scale that will just work when they plug it in. It can be hard to explain why no such thing exists to someone who is used to plugging all their...