BLH Nobel
Industrial Weighing & Force Measurements
Michelli Weighing & Measurement is your local authorized distributor for BLH Nobel products. BLH Nobel is a recognized leader in the field of industrial weighing and force measurement solutions. From pulp & paper, to process weighing, BLH Nobel offers top quality equipment, designed to stand up to harsh environments in a wide range of industries.
20% Off Select BLH Nobel Products for a limited time
Michelli Weighing & Measurement supplies both standardized and custom weighing systems from BLH Nobel to serve customers from a wide range of industries, including paper & pulp, process weighing, and many more.
BLH Nobel is a brand of Vishay Precision Group, Inc. – a world leader in strain gage technology.
Thermal Expansion Weighing
Our KIS load cell technology produces accurate weighments, even while batching during heating or agitation in process weighing applications.
Web Tension Products
Allows paper machines to operate at higher speed with less downtime, meeting your targets when it comes to productivity, functionality and quality.
Batching & Processing
BLH Nobel’s batching systems create consistency and repeatability for high-volume chemical mixing or blending processes.
20% off
Select BLH Nobel Equipment
Request a quote today from Michelli Weighing & Measurement, your local authorized BLH Nobel distributor.
Featured Products
For a limited time, save 20% on these featured BLH Nobel products, brought to you by Michelli Weighing & Measurement.
KDH Series Weigh Modules
The KDH weigh module from BLH Nobel is the workhorse of process weighing in harsh environments. Choose from the KDH-1, KDH-3 or KDH-5 based on your environment & application needs.
BLH G5 with Sun Shield
The G5 is the instrument for process weighing, force measurement, factory automation or for high speed dynamic measurements, with flexible and reliable performance & extensive communication options.
KIS Load Cell
The KIS load cell/weigh module from BLH Nobel is easy to install and extremely accurate, even when subjected to dynamic process forces and severe environmental conditions.